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3+1 schedule

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3+1 schedule

Our 3+1 (also known as X+Y) schedule ensures separate inpatient and outpatient clinical experiences. Three weeks of inpatient rotations are interspersed with one-week ambulatory blocks. Our continuity clinic operates on a team-based model to allow residents to cover for one another's patient panels while the primary resident provider is on inpatient services. 

Our 3+1 schedule also allows for dedicated didactic time, called Academic Half-Day, during the ambulatory weeks. During this half-day, we provide interactive learning in evidence-based medicine, bedside diagnosis, behavioral medicine, quality improvement, procedures/simulation medicine, ultrasound, integrative medicine, and more!

Residents consistently express that they strongly prefer the 3+1 structure to the traditional residency model which blends inpatient and outpatient experiences within the same day: they are able to be more focused on their patients and their clinical work as well as get more protected learning time during the Academic Half Day.

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