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Point-Of-Care ultrasound (POCUS) is quickly becoming a new standard in medical schools and internal medicine residency programs. With this vision in mind, in 2012, the Departments of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine partnered to develop a new formal ultrasound curriculum with the goal of offering both the didactics and hands-on training needed to become competent in POCUS by residency graduation.  The internal medicine residency POCUS training program is led by Brandon Boesch, DO who is an active leader in the regional and national POCUS community including acting as co-director of the UCSF POCUS for the Hospitalist Workshop, a facilitator for the American College of Chest Physicians POCUS certificate program and a co-author of the position paper titled Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Hospitalists: A Position Statement of the Society of Hospital Medicine. He teaches POCUS to residents in Academic Half Day and for POCUS electives and the Ultrasound Pathway.


In addition, our partnership with the Department of Emergency Medicine at Highland Hospital, a leader nationally and internationally in innovative ultrasound applications, research, and education, affords our residents adjunctive training and educational opportunities.


Internal Medicine Ultrasound Training



  • Hands-on training on medicine wards

  • Attending-supervised paracentesis clinic

  • Attending-supervised lumbar puncture clinic

  • Formal echocardiography review with attending cardiologist

  • Opportunity to pursue further procedure experience based on resident interest including regional anesthesia, thoracentesis, central lines, ultrasound guided peripheral IVs, and arthrocentesis/joint injections


Dedicated ultrasound/procedure rotation for PGY-3 residents in the categorical track  

This rotation is comprised of a combination of self study, didactic teaching, literature review/journal club, supervised hands-on training shifts on the inpatient medicine wards and procedural training.


Ultrasound Pathway

Categorical residents also have the option to gain further ultrasound training as part of the pathways program. This includes dedicated time carved out longitudinally during the PGY-2 and PGY-3 year.


Ultrasound Elective

Residents of all 3 tracks (categorical, primary care, preliminary) have the option of using their elective time to gain further ultrasound training.


Multidisciplinary Ultrasound Training


​Ultrasound Bootcamp

An annual half-day course held with the Department of Emergency Medicine for all incoming interns to learn and practice the basics of point-of-care ultrasound. This covers basic echocardiography, lung ultrasound, inferior vena cava, aorta, volume status, FAST exam, renal, biliary, DVT, and ultrasound-guided procedures such as peripheral IV placement and central venous catheters.


Advanced Echocardiography Bootcamp

An annual half-day hands-on course in collaboration with the Departments of Cardiology and Emergency Medicine to practice more advanced echocardiography skills including measuring ejection fraction, predicting fluid responsiveness, assessing wall motion abnormalities, valvular disease, right heart pathology, and diastolic dysfunction.


Caring, Healing, Teaching, Serving All

To graduate physician leaders who will provide high-quality, biopsychosocially oriented, culturally relevant care to vulnerable populations.

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